Diseases & Conditions

The Most Common Causes and Symptoms of Psoriasis

If you’ve been diagnosed with psoriasis, you may be wondering what exactly the disease is and how it will affect

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10 Symptoms of Arthritis that you shouldn’t Ignore

The word arthritis describes an inflammation of the joints. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, and they can

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How can I Reduce High Cholesterol?

Introduction High cholesterol is a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease, and statins are

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Main Causes of Migraine: Triggers, Treatment, and Prevention

Migraines are painful headaches that often involve nausea and vomiting, as well as sensitivity to

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Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally with These Lifestyle Changes

High blood pressure or hypertension (often abbreviated as HTN) is defined as a systolic blood

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What is Bipolar Disorder?

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that affects how you think, feel and behave.

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9 Things You Need to Know About Pre-Diabetes

If you’re reading this, there’s a strong chance that you know someone with pre-diabetes, or

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